Mutiple sclerosis

Your may have some or all of the following issues:

  • Depression & anxiety

  • ​Epilepsy
  • ​Foot drop​
  • Difficulty walking / risk of falling

  • ​Sensations: numbness, tingling / tremors
  • ​Balance problems
  • ​Loss of vision or hearing​​
  • Incontinence
  • Cognitive or memory deficits
  • Contractures​
  • Coordination issues (ataxia)

  • ​Fatigue​
  • Muscle weakness / paralysis
  • Osteoporosis

  • ​Pain​
  • Dizziness

  • Spasticity​
  • Speech deficits​

We help you regain function, independence, and your quality of life

At Nextherapy you will be treated by a multi-disciplinary team of neuro-specialists who have expertise in treating multiple sclerosis and other complex neurological issues and you will be part of a community of patients with MS who are working towards maintaining their function and recovery. Physical therapy is particularly important for MS because it positively affects the recovery of function, as well as the underlying inflammation that causes disease progress. ​

What people say about us

The Nextherapy team supports and motivates me. They always pay attention to what I do, which also gives me the motivation to practice at home.

I have cats and now I can throw out their rubbish and feed them myself without the support of a walker or cane.

Daniela Weigelt, Multiple sclerosis

I sometimes function better and sometimes worse. Nevertheless, I feel I am on a good path with Nextherapy.

Walter Wildhaber, Multiple sclerosis
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